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The Truth About Hair Care: Science Debunks 10 Common Myths

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In the world of beauty and hair care, myths and misconceptions abound. From old wives’ tales to misinterpreted science, these myths often lead to confusion and misguided practices. 


As a hub of learning and expertise in the beauty industry, we at Summit Salon Academy believe in empowering our readers with knowledge backed by science. So, let’s debunk these ten common hair myths together!


Myth 1: Cutting your hair makes it grow faster

Myth 1: Cutting your hair makes it grow faster

The truth is that hair growth occurs at the scalp level, not at the ends of your hair. Hair follicles, which are responsible for hair growth, are located in the scalp. Cutting your hair doesn’t affect these follicles or the rate at which they produce new hair cells. However, regular trims can help keep your hair healthy and free from split ends.

Myth 2: You can repair split ends with the right products

Once your hair has split, the only option is to chop it off. Hair is composed of a protein called keratin, and once damaged, it cannot be repaired.  While some products can temporarily seal split ends and make them less noticeable, they can’t permanently repair the damage.

Myth 3: Washing your hair every day is bad

The frequency of hair washing is a personal choice and depends on your hair type and lifestyle. Your scalp produces a natural oil called sebum, which helps keep your hair moisturized and healthy. If you have oily hair or sweat a lot, you may need to wash your hair daily to remove excess oil. However, if your hair is dry, washing it too often can strip away sebum and make your hair more prone to breakage.

Myth 4: The more you brush your hair, the healthier it will be

Contrary to this popular belief, over-brushing your hair can cause damage. Excessive brushing can lead to mechanical damage to the hair shaft, leading to breakage and split ends. It is best to brush your hair as much as needed to style it and distribute natural oils from the scalp.

Myth 4: The more you brush your hair, the healthier it will be

Myth 5: Shampooing your hair leads to hair loss

Many people believe that shampooing too often can lead to hair loss. The truth is that shampooing your hair cleanses the scalp and hair, removing dirt, oil, and dead skin cells. While it’s normal to lose a few hairs while shampooing, it’s not the cause of significant hair loss. Hair loss is typically caused by factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, stress, or certain medical conditions.

Myth 6: Wearing hats can cause hair loss

Unless your hat is so tight that it’s causing tension in your hair, wearing a hat does not cause hair loss. Hair loss is typically caused by genetic factors, hormonal changes, or health conditions, not by wearing hats.

Myth 6: Wearing hats can cause hair loss
Myth 7: Plucking one gray hair will result in more

Myth 7: Plucking one gray hair will result in more

Plucking gray hair won’t cause two to grow in its place. This myth probably originates from the fact that if you notice one gray hair, you’ll likely notice more soon, whether you pluck the first one or not. Gray hair occurs when the pigment-producing cells called melanocytes in your hair follicles stop producing pigment.

Myth 8: You can't color your hair when you're pregnant

Most research indicates that the chemicals included in semi-permanent and permanent colors are not particularly harmful and are safe to use during pregnancy. However, as a precaution, you should wait until after the first trimester, when the development of your baby’s vital organs is complete, and inform your stylist about your pregnancy.

Myth 8: You can't color your hair when you're pregnant

Myth 9: Stress can turn your hair gray

While extreme stress can cause hair loss, there’s no scientific evidence to support the claim that it can cause your hair to turn gray. Gray hair is primarily caused by a decrease in melanin production, which is largely determined by genetics.

Myth 10: Cold water makes your hair shinier

While rinsing with cold water can make your hair appear shinier by helping the hair shaft lay flat and reflect more light, it doesn’t affect the health of your hair. The health of your hair is determined by factors like your diet, lifestyle, and hair care routine.

Myth 10: Cold water makes your hair shinier

Knowledge is power. Debunking these common hair myths allows us to make informed decisions about our hair care routine. Remember, every person’s hair is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. It’s all about understanding your hair and finding what suits it best.


If you’re interested in learning more about hair care and the beauty industry, consider enrolling in Summit Salon Academy PDX. We have been recognized as one of the best beauty schools in Oregon, providing comprehensive education in Hair Design, Esthetics, and Nail Technology. We’re committed to providing our students with the best education and fostering a culture of creativity and boundless growth – Click here to learn more.


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