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10 More Tips For Gorgeous Hair

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The right hair care can be the difference between dull, dingy hair and brilliant, shiny, and gorgeous hair. Our experts at the Best Beauty School in Portland, Oregon have compiled a list of Tips to help you get the gorgeous hair you want!  


  1. Conditioning at the roots can weigh down your hair. Try only applying conditioner from mid-lengths to ends.
  2. Shampoo should be focused on your roots and scalp specifically, and less on the mids and ends.
  3. Spritz on a heat protectant before blow-drying, straightening, or curling your hair.
  4. You never want to use a curling iron or hair straightener when your strands are wet or even just a little damp. 
  5. All it takes to give your hair a fuller look is to change where you part your hair. Switch to the opposite side, and you’ll instantly notice your roots have more lift.
  6. Pulling your hair up every day can put unnecessary strain on your hair. Try switching to a looser hairstyle to give your scalp and roots a break.
  7. A quick coat of hairspray could make all the difference in how your hair looks after a few hours of wear. 
  8. Cotton pillowcases can absorb your hair care products and be unnecessarily harsh on your strands. Try switching to a silk pillowcase to protect your hair.
  9. Hair of all types, textures, and tints can always benefit from a deep conditioning treatment periodically. 
  10. Keeping your hot tools on low or medium temperature settings will work just as well, without causing nearly as much damage to your hair.


Want more tips? Check this out

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